Flexitarian Diet Explained

Flexitarian Diet Explained


Good Job! You have committed to eating less meat! That’s amazing. Just remember is doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Even eating less meat just a few times a week, can have a positive impact on the body and the environment.


Enter the Flexitarian Diet.


Flexitarians eat a mostly plant-based diet with animal products occasionally thrown in the rotation. Flexible + vegetarian. Get it? It’s simply a more flexible approach. You can still consume animal products but with the focus on filling you plate with mostly plant-based foods while still reaping the benefits of loading up on veggies.


Here’s some tips: Find substitutes that you love, make plant-based meals more flavor-forward, and have fun experimenting with new recipes.


Adjust your approach: This could be choosing to have plant-based breakfasts and lunches, saving meat for dinner.


Do you need more structure? We have a breakdown of meals for beginners through advanced.


Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, Chicago-based author of The Flexitarian Diet, breaks it all down for us:


Beginner: 6-8 meatless meals/21 meals each week

Advanced: 9-14 meatless meals/21 meals each week

Expert: 15 + meatless meals/21 meals each week


You can follow Blanter’s regime at your own pace by slowly adding in meat-less meals at your comfort level.


This could also be a fun new opportunity to experiment new recipes. See 5 simple plant-based recipes that we have complied for some inspiration.


Want to stick to meals you already know you like? Make a few simple adjustments:


Love tuna salad? Replace the tuna with mashed chickpeas.

Can’t imagine life without shredded chicken enchiladas? Try using shredded jackfruit for crazy shredded chicken-like texture.

Italian meatball lover? Try lentil and walnut herbed meatballs.


Also, it’s 2020 and the meat-less options are plentiful! We have come a long way and there are numerous brands that have come out with new meat alternatives that *gasp* actually taste good!


Here is a list of our favorite options:

Daiya Foods

Good Plant Foods

Beyond Meat breakfast sausage

Eat Just

Miyoko’s Creamery

Hope Hummus

Hilary’s Eat Well

Eat Banza

Malk Organics


- Source: DJ Blatner RDN, The Flexitarian Diet

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