Mind Blown Crab Cake Bites with Tropical Dipping Sauce


1 Box Mind Blown™ Crab Cakes (2 cakes)

1.5 Tablespoon Sweet Chili Sauce

1/2 C purple cabbage, shredded

Cooking spray or high heat oil

Fresh cilantro and watermelon radish for color and garnish


For the Tropical dipping sauce:

1 Tablespoon mango puree (or 1 chunk of fresh mango)

1/4 Cup Sweet Chili Sauce 



1. Remove the Mind Blown™ Crab Cakes from the freezer and place in the fridge overnight to thaw. Or on the countertop for about 4 hours prior to preparing.


2. In a mixing bowl, add both thawed Mind Blown Crab Cakes and the 1.5 Tablespoons of sweet chili sauce; mix until combined. Using a 1 oz melon scooper, form balls.


3. Either fry the balls in oil at 350 degrees for 30 seconds until golden brown, or in an air fryer or baked in the oven at 350 for 5-6 minutes, or until golden brown.


4. While the Mind Blown Crab Cakes Balls are cooking, prepare the Tropical Dipping Sauce.  Mix all ingredients in a bowl with a whisk.


5. Serve on a plate with tartar sauce and lemon. Enjoy!

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