Mind Blown Dusted Scallops and Atlantic Sea Farms Kelp Pesto Linguini


1 box Mind Blown Dusted Scallops

4 Atlantic Sea Farms Kelp-Cubes

1 box of linguini pasta

3 C Fresh Basil leaves

1/4 C Olive oil

1/4 C Nutritional yeast

2-3 garlic cloves

2 Tbsp. Pine nuts

Juice of one lemon

Salt and pepper to taste



1) Cook the linguini pasta according to box directions. Strain and set aside in a big pot.

2) While the pasta is boiling, prepare your Mind Blown Dusted Scallops. Heat a skillet with a little olive oil until you see a whispering smoke. Add the Mind Blown Dusted Scallops little by little making sure not to overcrowd the pan. Sear on medium heat for a minute and toss. Finish searing until golden and crispy; set aside.

3) Prepare the Kelp Basil Pesto. In a blender, place all kelp cubes, basile leaves, lemon juice, olive oil, nutritional yeast, pine nuts, salt and pepper to taste. Blend until desired consistency. 

4) In the big post with cooked linguni pasta, add the prepared kelp basil pesto, and seared Mind Blown Dusted Scallops. Toss to combine. Serve immediately and enjoy! 

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